I don't know who to feel sorrier for-women and adolescent girls-especially rape victims-in their reproductive years, or little girls from birth to their preteens who have yet to experience their first menstrual period. I have done my part by voting Democrat and always will. Wade for the group WIN! +10 and Bravo to all for telling it like it Middleman (I keep wanting to call you Spiderman because of your avatar-sorry): I'm a Caucasian female over 50, and at this point, feeling DAMNED fortunate to have gotten a full bilateral hysterectomy in 2020 before this MAGA-disastrous Extreme KKKourt out-of-control neofascist shitshow happened.
Yeshua, gripe, kristofarian, blip, Original Andrew, Brent Gumbo, skidmark, Garb Garblar, RogerTheShrubber, and whoever the brave soul was to expose the SCOTUS leak about overturning Roe vs. May We, the People declare war on RWNJ RepubliKKKan neofascists until every one of them down to their bitches, bootlicking enablers, fixers, and snotnosed heirs is dead, and the GOP faces mass extinction and cornholing in Hell.